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  1. ONAP Architecture Committee
  2. ONAPARC-347

Project proposal - composable disaggregated infrastructure support CDIS


      Project Proposal: composable disaggregated infrastructure support (CDI) S 

      Driver: Alex.



      Alex presented: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=45307174 

      • Question about the networking requirements.  REply that is is pretty much done withing the data center.
      • There was a question about Akraino relationship.
      • It was clarified that this is a physical infrastructure manager that ONAP can integrate with.
      • There was questions whether this was part of ONAP scope.  Take this to the TSC

      Ok by Arc.





      Alex presented the material introducing the composible diaggregated infrastructure (CDI).

      Proposes a new CDI infrastructure manager Adapter that provides DMTF Redfish APIs; and connects to OOF (potentially), AAI

      The basis of the proposal is to have a CDI infrastructure Management Adapter to create the softward defined infrastructure via DMTF redfish APIs; update the inventary /ESR to enable the VIMs to be instantiated and then VNFs deployed.

      There was a question regarding why couldn't this be in multivim.

      There was a request to come back on the flows and steps to get a bit better understanding of the way the CDI infrastructure manager would work and interact with the rest of ONAP.

      • control flow and steps to be followed
      • Telemetry

       There was a question also about the relation to Akraino

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