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  1. ONAP Architecture Committee
  2. ONAPARC-412

Dublin Architecture Review: Portal


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    • Resolution: Done
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      2019-02-26 ArchCom.  Manoop presented the following project review for Dublin: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Portal+R4+M3+Architecture+Review 

       There was a question whether the internatalization was in the portal, or the portal apps. 

      The answer was that initially its the portal, then later it will be in the portal SDK.

      If it is an external APP on portal (not built using the SDK) the international language may not be supported.

      There was a question regarding the use of the portal SDK version.  There was a question about how to coordinate the upgrade version of portal SDK.  This is something to follow-up on over time.

      This was recomended by ArchCom.


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