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  1. ONAP Operations Manager
  2. OOM-2003

portal-app loadbalancer does not work in RKE deployment


    • SDNC Fr Sp4:1/6-1/24

      In the current OOM guide (https://docs.onap.org/en/dublin/submodules/oom.git/docs/oom_user_guide.html#accessing-the-onap-portal-using-oom-and-a-kubernetes-cluster)
      it is mentioned, that the portal-app service instantiates an Kubernetes Loadbalancer, through which the portal should be connected.

      This was true in case of a full Rancher deployment, but using RKE the Kubernetes LB is not created anymore, but relies (to my knowledge) on an external LB.

      So the actual kubectl output looks like this:
      portal-app   LoadBalancer    <pending>  8989:30215/TCP,8006:30213/TCP,8010:30214/TCP,8443:30225/TCP   6d18h

      So the instructions should be updated to show, how the LB can be established in an RKE environment.

            bfrazer bfrazer
            andreasgeissler Andreas Geissler
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