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  1. Release Requirements
  2. REQ-340

ONAP to support Multi - tenancy


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Guilin Release
    • None
    • None
    • ONAP support Multi - tenancy
    • Non-Functional Requirement (DEPRECATED)
    • 3
    • GO
    • Reduced Scope
    • M
    • Green
    • GO
    • Yellow
    • GO
    • Green
    • GO
    • Green
    • GO

      Description of Use Case / Requirement:
      Some components are currently missing functionalities to allow ONAP to be used as a true multi-tenant platform where:

      Some resources can be shared between tenants, while other ones can be restricted to specific tenants / groups

      Tenants are isolated from one another and cannot impact each other, both at design-time and at runtime

      Several instances of some runtime components can run simultaneously and be managed by different user groups

      Overview: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Multi-tenancy+in+ONAP

      Owners (one of these should be the Assignee - use @ notation):
      olivierphenix seshukm melliott

      Link to HLD/LLD (if any):

      The initial details of this are in this could be found under here:

      Dependency Relationships with Other Projects:
      As defined in the sheet

      Project Impact (Test Only (TO), Code (C)):
      As defined in the sheet

      Support Status for each Affected Project (Supported (S); Partially Supported (P); Not Supported (N)):
      Note: for any affected projects labeled 'P' or 'N', please document the resulting gaps.

      SDC : Bell, Amdocs (S)
      SO: Bell, Huawei (S)
      AAI: Bell, Amdocs, Huawei (S)
      Policy : Bell (P)
      CDS & SDNC : Bell (S)

      Integration Leads (use @ notation):

      Company Engagement:
      Bell, Huawei, Amdocs

      Project wise :

            olivierphenix olivierphenix
            seshukm Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
