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  1. Release Requirements
  2. REQ-478

PoC - TOSCA Defined Control Loop on Honolulu Release


    • PoC - TOSCA Defined Control Loop in Honolulu Release
    • Best Practice (new code only)
    • PoC
    • GO
    • Original Scope
    • M
    • Not used for this release
    • Not used for this release

       Description of Use Case / Requirement:


      Continue to develop TOSCA Defined Control Loop from Gulin release to Honolulu release. The task is aim to provide Control Loop Service among different ONAP components with a model driven way and using a common catalog and a common artifact based on TOSCA. 

      The PoC shall focus on: 

      • Demonstrate Control loops defined and deployed using TOSCA
      • Use a design time catalog for Control Loops for a complete storage of all the artifacts from different DT systems
      • Show design time systems can populate the Design Time control loop catalog

                     -DCAE-MOD interacting with the design time catalog

                     -SDC interacting with the design time catalog

      • Show TOSCA defined control loops being onboarded and deployed

      Owners (one of these should be the Assignee - use @ notation):  


      Link to HLD/LLD (if any):


      Dependency Relationships with Other Projects:


      Project Impact (Test Only (TO), Code (C)):


      Support Status for each Affected Project (Supported (S); Partially Supported (P); Not Supported (N)):

      Note: for any affected projects labeled 'P' or 'N', please document the resulting gaps.


      Integration Leads (use @ notation): 


      Company Engagement: Ericsson

            micbev micbev
            fzhang fzhang
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
