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  1. Service Design and Creation
  2. SDC-1991

Service Consumption - Input Data and Validations


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: High High
    • Dublin Release
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Service Consumption - Input Data and Validations
    • To Do

      Requirements are:

      Most urgent - displaying all siblings services 

      Priority 1 

      1. Handle complex types if chose ‘static’ – as done in property assignment and VFC property screens (if chose other options it will filter accordingly)
      2. Improve static value validation - to present an error and not allow save when static value not aligned with type
      3. Filter Property drop down per Operation Input type

      Priority 2 

      1. Present mandatory as defined in Operation – mandatory means that a value must be assigned – here it is also important to know if a default value was assigned
        1. If Mandatory and no assignment and no default à Error (should prevent from submitting the service). All other cases are fine
      2. Present default values if were set (taken from service property default value) – as ‘static’ is the default choice when opening an input, the default value should be shown in ‘value’
        1. As once the user set a different static value or chose input/property the default is not relevant any more I think it is fine (going back to static will present the default value again)

      Priority 3 

      1. Not allow to delete Parent Service Input (undeclared) if in use by Consumption
      2. Support Changes Validations including: Rules are to be adaptive – so if change does not affect service consumption – keep all data. If change affect it – worn user before completing action and remove all problematic/invalid lines

      Cases are:

      1. SELF Version Change
        1. If Operation was not changed and keep service consumption, if changed - delete all related to consumption of this operation
        2. If a required property removed – remove any assign of this property
      2. 'Brother' Change of name -  should not affect service consumption definitions - should use new name without deleting anything
      3. Brother deleted - all lines in consumption using this brother should be removed
      4. Brother version change – if a property no longer in use remove lines consuming it
      5. Parent Property removal - should not be allowed in case used in Service Consumption

      Testing Flow


       Define Service- AA

      Add property P1, P2 and P3 with default values only on P1 and declare as inputs

        Define Operation Create with Inputs P1, P2, P3. Define P1 & P2 as Mandatory

      Create a second service

      Add Service AA to its Composition

      Open Service Consumption

      Open Operation Create:

      You should see the defined default values in Value screen

      Per input you should see:

       Default values On P1

      Do not set any value but try to submit

      Error should come on P2

      Set a value on P2

      Submit --> no error


      Second - same, now P1 as a complex Type - see that default is presented. See that static is value is built as required

            priyanshua priyanshua
            marinav marinav
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