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  1. Service Design and Creation
  2. SDC-2801

Onboard ETSI SOL007 compliant Network Service Descriptor packages


    • Onboard ETSI SOL007 compliant Network Service Descriptor packages
    • To Do

      Executive Summary - Onboard an ETSI SOL007 v2.7.1 compliant (Link to ETSI SOL007 v2.7.1)  Network Service Descriptor package including an ETSI version 2.7.1 SOL001 Network Service Descriptor (NSD) to  be onboarded into ONAP for composition into an ONAP Service or deployment using an ETSI compliant NFVO.

      • Support for Cataloging and Preserving the original SOL007 package
      • Support for mapping of ETSI v2.7.1 SOL001 Network Service Descriptor in the SOL007 package into SDC AID Data Model
      • Support for deploying a service that contains an ETSI SOL001 v2.7.1 compliant Network Service using VF-C as the NFVO
      • Support for deploying a service that contains an ETSI SOL001 v2.7.1 compliant Network Service using an external NFVO

      Business Impact - Enables operators and service providers to use vendor provided and internally designed Network Service Descriptors with ONAP and existing NFVO. Industry compatibility.

      Business Markets - All operators and service providers that are developing ETSI compatible Network Services

      Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard NSD packaging.

      Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

            byungwoojun Byung-Woo Jun
            byungwoojun Byung-Woo Jun
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