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  1. Service Design and Creation
  2. SDC-2802

Design ETSI SOL007 compliant Network Service Descriptor packages


    • Design ETSI SOL007 compliant Network Service Descriptor packages
    • To Do

      • Executive Summary- Design, catalog and distribute  an ETSI SOL007 v3.3.1 compliant Network Service Descriptor package including an ETSI v3.3.1 SOL001 Network Service Descriptor (NSD) for deployment using an ETSI compliant NFVO.
        • Support for designing an ETSI SOL001 v3.3.1 compliant Network Service that can be deployed with an ETSI compliant NFVO
        • Composed of one or more VNFs and the Virtual Links that connect them.
        • Support for using VNFs with CNF enhancements
      • Business Impact- Enables operators and service providers to use internally designed Network Service Descriptors with ONAP and existing NFVO. Industry compatibility.
      • Business Markets- All operators and service providers that are developing and deploying ETSI compatible Network Services
      • Funding/Financial Impacts- Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard NSD packaging.
      • Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies-There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.

            byungwoojun Byung-Woo Jun
            byungwoojun Byung-Woo Jun
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