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  1. Service Design and Creation
  2. SDC-3085

Test Topology Auto Design (NFV Testing Automatic Platform)


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • Guilin Release
    • None
    • SDC
    • None
    • Test Topology Auto Design (NFV Testing Automatic Platform)

      • Goal: To achieve a more flexible NFV automated test platform, ONAP-based NFV automatic testing platform provides a quick test service(topology) design composed of tested VNF and test environment, as well as supports the import and reuse test service(topology) between different test environments.
      • Current situation: At present, the service design need to be repeated for each VNF / test vendor, resulting in duplication, complexity, and also reduce efficiency.
      • Possible solution: Define abstract testing service (topology) template for each type of VNF
      • Enhance SDC to support:
        1.For the service designed, can be imported into SDC for modification or enhancement, or the test template can be reused for different test environments (the SDC needs to support service import);
        2.Quickly design a test service (topology) composed with tested VNF and test environment (One way is to introduce the concept of abstract template to simplify the process of repeated design of test service(topology)).

            hekeguang Keguang He
            lei_huang lei_huang
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            3 Start watching this issue
