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  1. Service Design and Creation
  2. SDC-3773

Regression on SDC stability tests


      During weekly stability tests we observed a regression on SDC stability tests.


      Lots of errors from the beginning

      success rate decreasing linearly

      to be compared with

      It is a bit surprising to see that in the last case we execute more tests than in the others but it is due to the fact that as tests are failing we retry more and at the end execute more tests. The duration of a FAIL tests is << of a PASS fail.

      the logs of the client can be found here: https://logs.onap.org/onap-integration/weekly/onap_weekly_pod4_istanbul/2021-11/05_20-31/stability/results_sdc_5_24h/

      it seems that we regularly got  (from a client perspective)

      2021-11-07 10:20:43,339 INFO 142:onap_service.py(1) - [SDC][Certify Vf] response code: 502
      2021-11-07 10:20:43,340 ERROR 157:onap_service.py(1) - [SDC][Certify Vf] API returned and error: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'USER_ID': 'cs0008', 'Authorization': 'Basic YWFpOktwOGJKNFNYc3pNMFdYbGhhazNlSGxjc2UyZ0F3ODR2YW9HR21KdlV5MlU=', 'X-ECOMP-InstanceID': 'onapsdk'}

      the logs of the pods are attached




        1. VSP.csar
          42 kB
        2. log-sdc.tar.gz
          7.06 MB
        3. curl1.log
          404 kB
        4. be5.zip
          2.38 MB
        5. be4.zip
          7.82 MB
        6. be3.zip
          8.00 MB
        7. be2.zip
          8.50 MB
        8. be1.zip
          8.30 MB

            MichaelMorris Michael Morris
            mrichomme mrichomme
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            3 Start watching this issue
