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  1. Service Design and Creation
  2. SDC-4268

Model for "SOL001" shows incorrectly in GUI


      Reproducing the problem: 

      After creating a VSP with the model "ETSI SOL001 v2.5.1". We create a VF by import VSP. It imports the values correctly but after creating the VF, the model randomly shows others models instead of "ETSI SOL001 v2.5.1". This seems to be an issue in the GUI since using REST API shows the correct model in the VF.

      -In SDC, press the home tab.
      -Press Import VSP
      -You will then notice that the model is set to **ETSI SOL001 v2.5.1
      -Press Create
      -The GUI will show randomly other Model, but when looking at this VF through the endpoint /sdc1/feProxy/uicache/v1/catalog it is possible to see that ETSI SOL001 model is chosen.

            vasraz vasraz
            vasraz vasraz
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