Uploaded image for project: 'Network Controller'
  1. Network Controller
  2. SDNC-1390

Optimize Dockerfile by moving some contents to startODL.sh


      Dockerfile has some RUN commands that execute the sed command on org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file to include certain entries in the featuresRepositories and featuresBoot. startODL.sh also has similar sed commands that insert, modify and delete entries in featuresRepositories and featuresBoot. Its easier to understand and maintain what is happening when the image is being run if all these are segregated at one place and startODL.sh is ideal for the same. Hence move all such entries in Dockerfile to startODL.sh

      highstreetherbert, djtimoney, demskeq8 . FYI..

            pendurty Ravi Pendurty
            pendurty Ravi Pendurty
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