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  1. Service Orchestrator
  2. SO-1156

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CreateVcpeResCustService.groovy


      In CreateVcpeResCustService.groovy file in method: preProcessRequest, there is a peace of code like this:

      String vimId = jsonUtil.getJsonValue(createVcpeServiceRequest,
      def cloudRegion = vimId.split("_")
      def cloudOwner = cloudRegion[0].toString()
      def cloudRegionId = cloudRegion[1].toString()

      If lcpCloudRegionId value is without "_", we get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. It should be handled in a more appropriate way, for example checking if the value has ""_ mark, and if not, the proper message should be log that the value of lcpCloudRegionId is wrong.

      For now, I get a message that do not tell me much:

      Java Error: Catch a Java Lang Exception in CreateVcpeResCustService

            kkuzmick kkuzmick
            lukaszm lukaszm
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