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  1. Service Orchestrator
  2. SO-1890

SO Query ServiceType* causing Macro Instantiation to fail


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: High High
    • Dublin Release
    • Dublin Release

      As part of the SO Macro Instantiation the request servicetype is null, but the rest call is sending servicetype=*, which is not accepted and gives 404.


      aseaudi 2:58 PM
      I notice the API call done by Dublin is different than Casablanca.

      In Dublin, 2 query parameters are added, cloudowner and servicetype.

      I was able to change cloudowner=cloudOwner in my rest call to SO.

      However, my servicetype is null, but the rest call is sending servicetype=*, which is not accepted and gives 404.

      2019-05-16T16:27:41.718Z|576f56ce-e74c-44c6-a434-89f23ae4435d| o.o.s.b.i.workflow.tasks.WorkflowAction - Found Service - 1 Vnf - 1 VfModule - 4 VolumeGroup - 0 Network - 0 VirtualLink - 0 NetworkCollection - 0 Configuration - 0 
      2019-05-16T16:27:41.719Z|576f56ce-e74c-44c6-a434-89f23ae4435d| o.onap.so.logging.jaxrs.filter.SpringClientFilter - Could not Target Entity: http://so-catalog-db-adapter.onap:8082/northbound_request_ref_lookup/search/findOneByActionAndRequestScopeAndIsAlacarte?action=createInstance&requestScope=Service&isALaCarte=false

      2019-05-16T15:24:50.036Z|d69fa2dc-6437-434a-9fe0-af4a36f39ad3| o.o.s.b.i.workflow.tasks.WorkflowAction - Found Service - 1 Vnf - 1 VfModule - 4 VolumeGroup - 0 Network - 0 VirtualLink - 0 NetworkCollection - 0 Configuration - 0 InstanceGroup - 0 
      2019-05-16T15:24:50.037Z|d69fa2dc-6437-434a-9fe0-af4a36f39ad3| o.onap.so.logging.jaxrs.filter.SpringClientFilter - Could not Target Entity: http://so-catalog-db-adapter.onap:8082/northbound_request_ref_lookup/search/findOneByActionAndRequestScopeAndIsAlacarteAndCloudOwnerAndServiceType?action=createInstance&requestScope=Service&isALaCarte=false&cloudOwner=onap&serviceType=*

            stevesmokowski stevesmokowski
            ym9479 Yuriy Malakov
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