
    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
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    • Beijing SO Sprint 2

      Existing workflows might be sufficient for HPA but should be investigated.

      Task should include:

      • Investigate current flows and modifications needed - interact with Multicloud team and understand interaction
      • document modification needed on ONAP SO wiki, here in task and get buy-in from stakeholder (PTL, Marcus, Alex, Team) on approach
      • possible patch that includes
        • bpmn workflows modification
        • possible groovy script modification


      Update 5:

      Since all this is dependent on the Heat Stack ID, it is queried from AAI (queryAAIVfModule)[1] and set in execution which is later used in the VNF Adapter create request [2].

      [1] - https://git.onap.org/so/tree/bpmn/MSOInfrastructureBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateVfModule.groovy#n659

      [2] - https://git.onap.org/so/tree/bpmn/MSOInfrastructureBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateVfModule.groovy#n937


      Update 4:

      • Heat Template obtained from DB queries by Heat ID in MSO VNF adapter [1].
      • Input parameters for the heat templates are converted from map<string, string> to map<string, object> which gets later used in StackCreate [2]
      • Heat Environment variables obtained from DB [3].
      • All this is passed to OpenStack StackCreate [4].

      Question: Since the Heat template and the Heat environment is obtained from DB, should the Flavor-VM-ID Homing solution obtained from OOF be updated in the Catalog with the correct format so that the new flavor ID gets fetched in VNF adaptor?

      [1] - https://git.onap.org/so/tree/adapters/mso-vnf-adapter/src/main/java/org/openecomp/mso/adapters/vnf/MsoVnfAdapterImpl.java#n1067

      [2] - https://git.onap.org/so/tree/adapters/mso-vnf-adapter/src/main/java/org/openecomp/mso/adapters/vnf/MsoVnfAdapterImpl.java#n1276

      [3] - https://git.onap.org/so/tree/adapters/mso-vnf-adapter/src/main/java/org/openecomp/mso/adapters/vnf/MsoVnfAdapterImpl.java#n1089

      [4] - https://git.onap.org/so/tree/adapters/mso-vnf-adapter/src/main/java/org/openecomp/mso/adapters/vnf/MsoVnfAdapterImpl.java#n1349


      Update 3:

      • Seem like in vCPEResCus workflow which calls DoCreateVfModule, heat stack ID is first seen here [1] . This seems to be generated inside VNF adaptor based on our request which we pass to VNF adaptor. (vCPEResCus -> DoCreateVfModule -> (has VNF creation info) -> VNF adaptor -> response from VNF adaptor has Heat stack ID.
      • How is this heat stack ID generated in VNF adaptor? Is it fetched from catalog DB? If yes, then we'll need to pass flavor/VMID info to the VNF adaptor and somewhere inside this VNF adaptor, the heat template will be modified with the favor/labelID/vimID info passed and the heat stack ID of this modified heat template is returned. 

      [1]- https://git.onap.org/so/tree/bpmn/MSOInfrastructureBPMN/src/main/groovy/org/openecomp/mso/bpmn/infrastructure/scripts/DoCreateVfModule.groovy#n937



      • High level flow when talking to OpenStack directly: vCPE create workflow -> create vnf -> ???? -> MSO vnf adaptor -> MSO adaptor utils -> Heat adaptor (OpenStack)
      • High level flow when using Multicloud API: vCPE create workflow -> ???? -> Multicloud API.

      Why are there 2 ways of talking to a cloud (multicloud vs direct openstack). In either cases, where are the Heat templates generated? (somewhere in ???? layer).



      • SO should pass label flavor map (containing HPA) to Heat template to spin those up.
      • The high level flow seems to be vCPE create workflow -> create vnf -> ???? -> MSO vnf adaptor -> MSO adaptor utils -> Heat adaptor [1] -> Actual things are spinned up. But all this seem to talking to OpenStack directly using SDK. 
      • Something should happen in the middle either in ????/MSO vnf adaptor/ which will actually do the mapping and creates the Heat template. This gets used in createStack() [2].


      [2] - https://git.onap.org/so/tree/adapters/mso-adapter-utils/src/main/java/org/openecomp/mso/openstack/utils/MsoHeatUtils.java#n210


            shashank.kumar.shankar shashank.kumar.shankar
            mgkwill mgkwill
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