Resolution: Done
Notes from the 80+ attendees of the conference on ONAP
- need k8s monitoring more than kubectl - see using policy
- need to optimize etcd cluster in k8s - talking with bdfreeman1421 - we only run the default 3 - but may need 5 - also we don't optimize for cloud compared to bare metal - it seems that the cluster is very sensitive to network issues like lag - I am theorizing that the cluster degrades due to pod rescheduling
- verify that onap will run better with a max memory limit - if we run at 90% on all the vms then a vm failure will saturate the remaining nodes - try to run under 50% capacity
- need dependency tree for each component - for example all need aai, sdc needs dmaap
- why 2 separate openstack configs in values.yaml (understand SO but why appc has a separate config - Alain Soliel
- also how do we know onap has the correct SO parameters to run openstack heat stack - if there is an error during VNF instantiation - would need to triage.
- how can AAI be used to validate runtime state of deployed VNFs
- is VID only the "intent" - is there a way to validate actually deployed VNFs - POMBA can be used - https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Network+Discovery+Context+Builder (in OOM only)
details on values.yaml overrides needed - multiple questions on bringing up parts of onap
- large discussion after the talk with 12 students, a couple vendors on where is the single place for details on running onap for developers
- need a full set of dependency tree value.yaml profiles generated auto from the deployment.yaml's
- AWS support for Telstra
- Logging ATT contact for analytics
- Alain Soleil - tmobile work with values.yaml override
- Nokia 5g ?
https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4719331 - q about resiliency of vms - need to stress that the base case is a single VM running a subset of onap
- felix send postman template + variables - felix.openair@gmail.com - in https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/vFW+Closed+Loop+step-by-step?preview=/45286511/45295171/Powder%20lab.postman_environment.json
With Pamela/Brian/Liam
- order of services must be sequenced - dmaap comes up first - don't bother with the rest until it is up - like we know
Industry - University
- orbit use by cosmos, powder
= OWL - onap wireless lab - CLM work for https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4719331 NF CM - how OOM can help for future containerized VNFs - how ML can assist in general
deep packet inspection as a chained vnf
need interfaces for vnf chaining - for example dpi
how to save imperitive changes to an intent - re-intent, rollback etc
sriov support
need better session dryout.affinity switch during cloud based a/b upgrade