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  1. VNF Requirements
  2. VNFRQTS-196

Remove requirements from Appendix


    • VNFRQTS Sprint 12

      Using this ticket to manage all requirements that need to be removed from the Appendix.
      Remove the following requirements from the Appendix:

      R-07879 The VNF Package *MUST* include all relevant playbooks to ONAP to be loaded on the Ansible Server.
      R-23823 The VNF Package *MUST* include appropriate credentials so that ONAP can interact with the Chef Server.
      R-35305 The VNF *MUST* meet the same guidelines as the Ansible Server hosted by ONAP.
      R-77786 The VNF Package *MUST* include all relevant cookbooks to be loaded on the ONAP Chef Server.
      R-85428 The VNF *MUST* meet the same guidelines as Chef Server hosted by ONAP.
      R-91681 The VNF *MUST* meet the ONAP Ansible Server API Interface requirements.
      R-98929 The VNF *MAY* have a single endpoint.

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