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  1. VNF Requirements
  2. VNFRQTS-813

Rationalize VES Event Listener Spec and VNF Monitoring Requirements


    • VNFRQTS Sprint 34, VVP- Guilin 2

      Now that the VES Spec is part of the VNF Requirements project, it is a good time to review the content of both the monitoring requirements in 7.3 and event listener spec and ensure all content is in the appropriate place and overlap is reduced.

      At this time, there is content in the listener spec that is not related to the schema and protocol and would be better served as requirements. Likewise there are likely things in the requirements that overlap with the spec.

      In this task, we will rationalize the content to remove these issues. The spec will focus on the rules and schema for the events. The requirements will focus on the higher level requirements about configuration, delivery, and other concerns the network function must do to delivery the events and work with ONAP.

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