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  1. Vnfsdk
  2. VNFSDK-731

Adapt VNFSDK "product-name" behavior


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • None
    • None

      VNF-SDK uses product-names in order to select rules, which will be used to validate the onboarding packages.
      Currently, there is only a single rule used: onap-dublin

      As we are already running ONAP/Guilin, and preparing to ONAP/Honolulu, we need to make sure, that the product-names are aligned and that they are working properly.
      Each product name (aligned with ONAP release), shall cover rules defined for this release, and all previous releases, means, onap-dublin, shall cover rules defined for dublin, casablanca, beijing and amsterdam.


      Update the VNFSDK supported product name to "onap-vtp"
      Add a new optional parameter "release", which will define which rules should be run.
      Enhance the VNFSDK in a way, that for each "release", it is possible to define a number of releases covered by the "release"
      The validation rules to be executed shall be aligned with the releases covered within a single release name.
      If an older onboarding packaage is validated, rules coming from newer ONAP releases shall not be validated
      "latest" release-name is introduced, which covers all available validations
      The list of validations applicable for a given release name is configurable (within the dev environment - not as a user-modifyable parameter).

            bogumil_zebek bogumil_zebek
            bogumil_zebek bogumil_zebek
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