• Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Medium Medium
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      Today each component has their own datastore. While each component having its on datastore may be a valid use case it is probably not the default use case. Having it configured this way means more resources are wasted and scaling is harder. This story would change components to add the ability for them to use a common datastore as other components with the same instance. This would be the default on a developer setup / demo setup and should be an option for all setups. This story does not suggest that we migrate anything to a single database if the data is the same (ie postgres and mariadb do not need to consolidate - only that multiple instances of each would be combine-able into one)

            stevesmokowski stevesmokowski
            dr695h dr695h
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
