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  1. Logging analytics
  2. LOG-427

(AAI) Validation service in OOM , etc


      As a user of POMBA, I want to reuse the validation service used in A&AI. I want this submitted to ONAP and usable in the POMBA solution.

      Implementation Hint

      The current solution does not deploy the microservices via OOM in a Kubenetes environment.  This story is written to address the task of getting this microservice deployable via OOM.  Ultimately this will be moved to public, that will be addressed by other stories.  The success criteria for this does not include healthchecks / validation of functionality of the microservices.

      Additional Information

      • 1 microservice / container


      1. assume that there is no code churn before committing to ONAP
      2. assume there might be some code churn before committing to ONAP


      • Ability to build and automate deployment aligns this feature/microservices with other deployments in ONAP.

      Success Criteria

      • The microservice can be deployed via OOM at any given time
      • The microservice can be deleted via OOM at any given time
      • Able to login to each pods and ensure the ms is running within 
      • Validation code submitted into ONAP (A&AI project)
      • Validation code available to POMBA solution.


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