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  1. ONAP Architecture Committee
  2. ONAPARC-352

Multi-Cloud - Prometheus and Grafana with cAdvisor


      • Show that cAdvisor and node-exporter related metrics are visualized in Grafana.
      • Ensure that it is possible to show case
        • Metrics on per cloud-region basis (Using Auto labels feature)
      • Device method to discover compute nodes in each cloud-region and use the discovered information to scrape (prometheus tagets)
        • Use Consul in each cloud-region (That, deployment of consul using KRD)
        • KRD to install node-exporter & cAdvisor.
        • KRD to configure node-exporter and cAdvisor to register with Consul.
        • Prometheus in ONAP side to auto-configure various consul instances to scrape.
          • Note that there are multiple cloud-regions. But, only very few (may be only one in small number of cloud-regions)  prometheus instance is expected to scrape all computes in the configured cloud regions
          • Ability to configure mapping the  promethus instance to cloud-regions.

      (This story to  have two tasks - One for KRD and another in Multi-Cloud plugin)

            ritusood ritusood
            saddepalli saddepalli
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