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  1. Configuration Persistence Service
  2. CPS-1515

Support Multiple CM-Handles for NCMP Get Bulk Operation


    • Support Multiple CM-Handles for NCMP Get Operation

      Create 'bulk' version for org.onap.cps.ncmp.rest.controller.NetworkCmProxyController#getResourceDataForCmHandle to support multiple cm-handles (~ multiple anchors in in CPS-Core)

      1. Same xpath (resourceIdentifierInQuery) for each?
      2. Support passthrough-only no-cached() data only
        1. alternatively, support operational/running (cached) data too
      3. impacts on DMI PLugin Interfaces
        1. support in ONAP DMI-plugin
      4. Support in CPS-CORE 
        1. Java Interface (depend on 2.1)
        2. REST Interface
      5. Overlap with Deutsche Telekom (check with emaclee there is no overlap )
      6. Response always Async ie. topic is compulsory
        1. Reuse existing topics


      1. Study on Wiki agreed with team and stakeholders
        1. to answer above questions
        2. propose interface changes
          1. Error handling / partial results (best effort)

            sourabh_sourabh Sourabh Sourabh
            ToineSiebelink Toine Siebelink
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