Resolution: Done
E2E Network Slicing use case enhancements for Kohn release
Use Case
Reduced Scope
Not used for this release
Not used for this release
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Description of Use Case / Requirement:
This epic covers the Kohn release requirements for E2E Network slicing use case in the following tracks.
1. E2E Network slicing Solution
2. RAN Slicing
3. Transport Slicing
4. Carry over testing from Jakarta Release
1. E2E Network slicing Solution
- Dynamic Discovery of Core & RAN endpoints at NSMF (carry-over requirement from Jakarta)
- NSMF discovers the Core and RAN endpoints of back haul dynamically at the time of slice allocation/reuse
- Front haul and mid haul end points discovery is a stretch goal
- Only design is considered in Kohn release. Implementation will be done in future release
- M4 update: Likely to be pushed to future releases beyond Kohn.
- IBN driven E2E Network Slicing
- Integration of ML prediction MS with DCAE (covered by both IBN and network slicing use cases)
M4 update: Mainstreaming the ml-prediction-ms and enhancements are moved to next release - Enhancement to intent creation and update workflow - Enhancement to Slice Analysis MS to use DCAE SDK dmaap-client lib for real-time intent listening posted by AAI (covered by IBN use case)
- Enhancement to Slice Analysis MS to report slice KPI to UUI to support IBN
- Integration of ML prediction MS with DCAE (covered by both IBN and network slicing use cases)
- mIoT slice support
- Support Slice creation, activation, deactivation and termination for mIoT applications
- Solution design and offline implementation to main branch is considered in Kohn release. Implementation will be done in future release
- New network slicing KPI monitoring in UUI
- KPI Computation MS to store the KPIs of Network Slice, invoke Datalake API
M4 update: KPI computation is done, storing to data lake will be deferred - UUI to fetch the new KPIs from DES, fit and display the additional KPIs on the screen
M4 update: UUI changes done and tested with mock data
- KPI Computation MS to store the KPIs of Network Slice, invoke Datalake API
- Use case test automation (carry-over requirement from Jakarta)
- Carry out test automation for slicing use case in phases over multiple releases
- Target to accomplish test automation for manual configurations
- M2 update: Due to the lack of resources, integration team is uncertain about supporting the automation in K-release. Automation will be taken care based on the resources availability. Marking it as a stretch goal.
- M4 update: will be deferred to future releases
2. RAN Slicing - M4 update: Deferred to future releases
- RAN slice O-RAN A1-based action flow over A1 interface
- Only design is considered in Kohn release. Implementation will be done in future release
- M4 update: Will be deferred to future releases due to limited bandwidth
- xNF configuration data update to CPS via ONAP DMI Plugin for RAN slice allocation - M4 update: Scope will be reduced to partial implementation including CM notification but excluding data to CPS via DMI plugin API. End to end implementation will be done in future releases.
- CSIT for RAN slicing - M4 update: Will be deferred to future releases.
3. Transport Slicing (covered by CCVPN use case)
- Align TN interface with latest IETF TN slice model
- CSIT for transport slicing
4. Carry-over requirements from Jakarta Release
- DCAE functional requirements - KPI Computation Enhancements
- Changes to accommodate following review comments in https://jira.onap.org/browse/DCAEGEN2-2801
- Define KPI spanning multiple resources
- Error handling to manage if a particular counter needed for a calculation is unavailable
- Changes to accommodate following review comments in https://jira.onap.org/browse/DCAEGEN2-2801
- DCAE R11 Global requirements Contribution - https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/R11+Global+requirements+Contribution
- DCAE non-functional requirements
DCAEGEN2-2907: No root (superuser) access to database from application container (Stretch goal)DCAEGEN2-2882DL Admin UI access via HTTPSDCAEGEN2-2976Support 7.2.1 VES in TCAGEN2
Potential API impacts in Kohn release:
Interacting components | API changes foreseen? | Remarks |
ExtAPI -> Northbound | No | |
UUI -> SO | Yes | Dynamic endpoints discovery at NSMF (for future releases) |
SO -> OOF | No | |
OOF -> CPS | No | |
SO (NSMF) -> SO (NSSMF) | Yes | Dynamic endpoints discovery at NSMF (for future releases). TN interface with latest IETF TN slicing model |
SO (NSSMF Adapter) -> SO (External RAN NSSMF) | No | |
SO -> SDN-C/SDN-R | No | |
SDN-R -> RAN Simulator | Yes | A1 interface for RAN policy/configuration (for future releases) |
Any component / SO -> AAI | Yes | SO invokes AAI to read the nexthopinfo (for future releases) |
DCAE Slice Analysis MS -> CPS | No | |
CCSDK/SDN-C -> CPS | Yes | Feed xNF configuration data to CPS |
UUI -> DCAE | Yes | Slicing KPI monitoring and display for IBN driven slicing |
AAI -> DCAE | Yes | Intent listening for IBN driven slicing |
Policy -> DCAE | Yes | A1-based action (for future releases) |
Policy -> SO | Yes | A1-based action (for future releases) |
Owners (one of these should be the Assignee - use @ notation):
Link to HLD/LLD (if any):
Dependency Relationships with Other Projects:
Impact Type: C
Company Engagement: TBD (China Telecom? China Mobile?)
Resources: xyz (People)
Support Status:
Non-Functional Requirement Support: NA
Project SO IMPACT: C
Impact Type: C
Company Engagement: Wipro, TIM
Resources: xyz (People)
Support Status: S
Non-Functional Requirement Support: NA
Impact Type: C
Company Engagement: Wipro, China Telecom
Resources: xyz (People)
Support Status: S
Non-Functional Requirement Support: REQ-xxx, REQ-yyy
Impact Type: C
Company Engagement: Wipro, STL
Resources: xyz (People)
Support Status: S
Non-Functional Requirement Support: REQ-xxx, REQ-yyy
Impact Type: C
Company Engagement: Wipro (TBDMT) (CPS Core is covered by CPS team)
Resources: xyz (People)
Support Status: To be confirmed
Non-Functional Requirement Support: NA
Impact Type: C
Company Engagement: Wipro
Resources: xyz (People)
Support Status: S
Non-Functional Requirement Support: NA
Project RAN-Sim IMPACT: C
Impact Type: C
Company Engagement: CapGemini, Ericsson, Wipro
Resources: xyz (People)
Support Status: S
Non-Functional Requirement Support: NA
Project Policy IMPACT: TBD
- Impact Type: C
- Company Engagement: TBD (Ericsson?)
- Resources: xyz (People)
- Support Status:
- Non-Functional Requirement Support: REQ-xxx, REQ-yyy
Integration Leads (use @ notation):
deepikasatheesh, malar
- clones
REQ-1085 E2E Network Slicing use case enhancements for Jakarta release
- Done
- is blocked by
CCSDK-3687 CCSDK impacts for Network slicing in Kohn Release
- Closed
DCAEGEN2-3193 Enhancements to KPI Computation MS for Kohn Release
- Closed
SO-3952 SO impacts for Network slicing in Kohn Release
- Closed
USECASEUI-678 UUI impacts for E2E Network Slicing in Kohn Release
- Closed
REQ-1216 Carry-over Test Cases from Jakarta Release
- Done
REQ-1309 Integration Test for Network Slicing Use Case
- Done
- is cloned by
REQ-1378 E2E Network Slicing use case enhancements for London release
- Done